it's my job that i am grateful for. but beforehand, let me make something very clear: i hate my job! i am the assistant of a CEO. he and his family are very succeeded in turning my life into a hell and the income is not satisfying. and i do believe the incredibly hard times they had given me through the last year played a major role in me having this cancer. (i think that is the trick here: despite everything just forgive and go on.) 

but also, i know what it is like to be unemployed: the humiliation, depression, feeling like you could never find a job, the way that your parents look at you like you don't want to work or not try hard enough to find one... after everything i went through before i found this consuming job, i am grateful for having it. well, these times are hard. so many people are looking for a job and they are more than willing to work for a low salary. so at least i have "a job". 

i wish i was doing something different; something i really love or change other people's lives. i mean; i'd like to make a difference. i don't know if the circumstances are the ones that should be blamed for it or myself. most likely i didn't work hard enough or i didn't have something to work hard for, for that matter. one way or another, i am not doing my 'dream job' -i am not really sure that i have a definiton for "dream job"- instead i am just "trying to save the day." 

but at the end of the day, no matter how annoying my job is, i have people who love me and after the experience that i went through, i know, we have very limited time on this planet. the days that i see their smiles will run out and i will spend the rest of my life missing them. 

so as long as i have a home and people to return to, i doesn't really matter what i do for a living. 

nevertheless if you really want to be happy with your job but can't find a good one that satisfies you, then i suggest you to find your passion. find it and be an expert on it. be so good at your passion when people talk about it, the first name that comes to their minds would be yours. and don't forget, in an eternal world, we don't have much time. appreciate what you are bestowed. 


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